Dr.B Hulugappa

Associate Professor & Head - CMR

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Email: bhmech@nie.ac.in
Phone No: 9481439473
About Me:

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I started my teaching Career in the year of 1998 at Proudadevaraya Intitute of Technology, Hospet as a lecturer. In the year 2004   I joined NIE, as a lecturer in the mechanical Engg. Department, presently designated as Associate Professor.

My primary research interests are in Processing and Characterization and fracture toughness of thermo set polymer composites. However, I am also quite interested in fabrication and characterization of different composite materials. My masters students and UG project students are work in these areas. I am also actively involved in heading the centre for material research (CMR). From TEQUIP grants we procured various materials testing equipments like., Computerized Universal testing machine, Computerized impact testing machine etc. we provide speciality to other college students to conduct test with nominal charges and free for our college students. Also we conduct practical and demo class for PG students to manufacturing different composite material fabrication. I have got gold medal for Ph.D completed in NIE in the year 2018. I also teach a couple of courses like Manufacturing Technology-I, II &III   and production technology related courses.

  • B.E (KUD, Dharwad )
  • M. Tech (VTU, Belagavi),
  • Ph.D (VTU, Belagavi)
Journal Publication
  1. B. Hulugappa, Dr.M.V.Achutha, Dr.B.Suresha.” Effect of filler on mechanical properties and fracture toughness of glass fabric reinforced epoxy composites”. JMMCE,  Vol 4, Issue 1, pp 1-14, 2015.
  2. B.Hulugappa, Dr.M.V.Achutha, Dr.B.Suresha. “Effect of Environmental Conditions on Flexural Strength and Fracture Toughness of Particulate Filled Glass-Epoxy Hybrid Composites, Materials Sciences and Applications”, 710-729,vol 7,Issiue 5, PP 2016.
  Conference Proceedings
  1. B. Hulugappa, Dr. M.V.Achutha,  Dr.B.Suresha. “Effect of type and loading of Micro fillers on fracture toughness of glass fabric reinforcing epoxy composites”. ICARIMMIEM-2014
  2. B.Hulugappa, Dr.M.V.Achutha, Dr.B.Suresha. “Fracture Toughness of Glass fabric Reinforced Epoxy Composites: Effect of Filler addition and Temperature”. ICPC-2014, NITK.
  • Manufacturing Technology-I
  • Manufacturing Technology-II
  • Manufacturing Technology-III
  • Kinematics of  Machine 
  • Machine Drawing
  • Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
  • TQM
  • Work study and Ergonomics
  • Metrology and measurements