Dr. Annapurna V K
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Email: | annapurnavk@nie.ac.in |
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Phone No: | 9886134797 |
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About Me: |
I joined this Institution in the year 1999 and entered into service in the year 2005 as Lecturer, Assistant professor in the year 2007 and Associate professor from 2007 till May 2019. I became Professor in May 2019 and Head of Department from September 2019. My research interest was in Computer Networks. I did my research in the area of High Speed networks. My Research title is “Development of an Efficient SMART Protocol for Asynchronous transfer mode Multipoint-to Multipoint connections using Game Theoretical approach”. I received a Best Paper Award for my paper “Multicast QOS Routing by Using Network Pre-processing Technique” in IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing and Network Security. |

- B.E. in Computer Science, University of Mysuru
- M.Tech in Computer Network Engineering, Visveswaraya Technological University
- Ph.D. in High Speed Networks, Visveswaraya Technological University
- Professor
- Congestion Analysis through Game Theoretic, IJAR, 2013
- A Survey on Multicast Communication and Multicast Game, IIJC (IFRSA), 2013
- A Survey on Application of Game Theory in Multi-point Transmission of High-speed Network, IJCNWMC, 2014
- A Survey on Secret Key Extraction Using Received Signal Strength in Wireless Network, IJRITCC, 2014
- Secured Communication through Secret Key Extraction using RRM, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, June 2014
- An Enhanced VCS of Image Encryption using SDS Algorithm without Secret Keys, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2014
- Implementation of Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data with Supporting Synonyms ,2015
- Introduction to a Secure Data Transmission for Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Networks, IJARSE, May 2015
- Lan Link :Text and Voice Communication over wired LAN, IJMTER, May 2015
- Package Analyser Automated Solution for Energy Inefficiency in Smart Phone Application, IJMTER, June 2015
- A Study on Electorate Engagement Using Enterprise Mobility Platforms IJARSSE, Sept 2015
- Technical Analysis of Stock Market Trends Using Trend Agents and Machine Learning, May 2016
- A Survey on Scheduling Algorithms, IJESC, May 2016
- Attendance Collection System: Comparison of Different Approaches, IJARCCE, June 2016
- Enforcing Security for SmartPhone User by Crowdsourcing Ml using Internet of Things, IJARCST, June 2016
- Metrics in Project Management System, IJESC, June 2016
- Integration of Medical Devices into MIOT using OPENICE, IJESC, June 2016
- Best Paper award in IEEE International Conference On Soft Computing And Network Security conferred by the Department of CSE, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore in association with KYUNGPOOK National University, South Korea - 14th to 16th February 2018
Journal Publication:
Research papers:
- Annapurna V.K , Dr. C. Vidya Raj, “A survey on application of game theory in multipoint transmission” of high speed network,(IJCNWMC), vol4, issue 2, pgno 77-82, 2014.
- Annapurna V.K , Dr. C. Vidya Raj, “Congestion analysis through game theoretic”, IJAR(NJ), Vol 3, issue 6, pgno 84-87, 2013.
- Annapurna V.K , Dr. C. Vidya Raj, “A Survey on multicast communication and Multicast Game”, IIJC(IFRSA),vol3, issue 3, pg 159-164, 2013.
- Neha Najeem, KavyaShree S, Annapurna V.K, “Online Health Aid using CodeIgniter FrameWork”, IRJEMS, UGC Journal, vol 3, issue 5, ISSN:2395-0126, 2019.
- Ajeeta Asthana, Akanksha Agrawal, Annapurna V.K, “Building a Serverless Progressive Web Application”, IJARCCE, vol 8, issue 4, ISSN online 2278-1021, DOI 10.17148, 2019.
- Saransh J S, Raj Abhishek, Annapurna V.K, “Comparing Machine Learning Techniques for Sentiment Analysis”, IJARCCE, vol 8, issue 4, ISSN online 2278-1021, DOI 10.17148, 2019.
- Poornima N, Annapurna V.K, “Image blending and its importance in image processing”, IJSRCSEIT, vol 4, issue 6,ISSN 2456-3307,2018.
- Kavya K.A, Annapurna V.K, “Integration of Medical Devices into MIOT using OPENICE, IJESC, Vol6, Issue 6, ISSN 2321-3361, 4010/2016, 2016.
- Sulochana P., Annapurna V.K, “Survey on Scheduling Algorithms, IJESC, Vol 6, Issue 5, ISSN 2321-3361, DOI 4010/2016, 2016.
- Dheeraj R, Annapurna V.K, Metrics in Project Management System, IJESC, 2016.
- Muralidharan P, Annapurna V.K, “Attendance Collection System: Comparison of Different Approaches”, IJARCCE, Vol 5, Issue 6, ISSN 2278-1021 ,DOI 10.17148/2016, 2016
- Abhijith P, Atul Kumar, Bharath M.N, Nayak Ajay Ashok, Annapurna V.K, “Technical Analysis of Stock Market Trends Using Trend Agents and Machine Learning”, IJIRCC, Vol 4, Issue 5, ISSN 2320-9801 , DOI:10.15680, 2016
- Pallavi A.R, Annapurna V.K, “Enforcing Security for Smart Phone user by Crowd sourcing Ml using Internet of Things”, IJARCST, Vol 4, Issue 2, ISSN 2347-8446, 2016
- Raksha Shenoy S, Ranjitha D, Sai Pranathi Polisetti, Annapurna V K, “Package Analyzer Automated solution for Energy Inefficiency in Smart Phone Application ,IJMTER , vol2, issue 6, ISSN: 2349-9745, 2015
- Santhosh H, Annapurna V.K, “Implementation of Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data with Supporting Synonyms”,IJSRD,Vol3, issue 2, ISSN(online) 2321-0613,2015.
- Karunamayi, Annapurna V.K, “Introduction to a Secure Data Transmission for cluster-based wireless sensor networks”, IJARSE, vol4, issue 5, ISSN-2319- 8354(E), May 2015
- Sandeepa H. Bhat, Vinay Hosamane K.N, Vinit N,S, Vinyas N.R, K, “Lan Link:Text and Voice Communication over wired LAN” ,IJMTER, vol2, issue 5, ISSN 2349-9745, May 2015
- Kanchana M.V, Annapurna V.K, “An Enhanced VCS of Image Encryption using SDS algorithm without secret keys”, IJRITC, Vol 2, Issue:7, pp 1794 –1798. ISSN:2321-8169 , 2014.
- Hemavathi M.N, Annapurna V.K “Secured communication through Secret Key Extraction using RRM”, IJETAE ,Vol4,Issue 6, ISSN 2250- 2459, ISO9001:2008, Certified Journal, June 2014.
- Hemavathi M.N, Annapurna V.K, “A Survey on Secret Key Extraction Using Received Signal Strength in wireless Network”, IJRITCC, vol 2, issue 4, pp709-713, 2014
Conference Proceedings:
- Annapurna V.K , Poornima N, “Image blending and its importance in image processing”, Nation conference on engineering innovations and solutions conducted in GSSS , IJSRCSEIT, vol 4, issue 6,ISSN 2456-3307,2018.
- Annapurna V.K , Dr. C. Vidya Raj, “Multicast QOS Routing by Using Network Preprocessing Technique, IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing and Network Security”, Published in IEEE digital explorer, SNS college of Technology, Coimbatore in Association with KYUNGPOOK National University, South Korea, 14th to 16th Feb, 2018, received BEST PAPER AWARD
- Annapurna V.K , Dr. C. Vidya Raj, “ Application of Game theory in Fair Scheduling by SMART switches of high speed networks”, IEEE sponsored , 3rd international conference on Electronics and Communication Systems, Published IEEE digital explorer, Karpagam college, 25th & 26th Feb,2016
- Annapurna V.K , Dr. C. Vidya Raj, “A survey on application of game theory in multipoint transmission Of high speed network”, International Conference on Electrical Electronics and Computer Science-EECS, ISBN-978- 93-81693-54-2 ,Page no148-152, 9th Feb 2014
- Annapurna V.K , Dr. C. Vidya Raj, “Game theoretic approach to analyze congestion in ABR traffic of High speed network”, International conference on current trends in engineering and management, VVCE, Mysore ,July 12th- 14th 2012
- Annapurna V.K & Dr. C. Vidya Raj, “Analysis of Congestion in Available Bit Rate of High Speed Network Using a Game theoretic approach”, ICET2K, Sri Venkateshwara college of engineering, Chennai, April 18th - 20th , 2012
- Data communication and Networking
- Computer Networks
- Web Technologies and Applications
- Cryptography, Distributed operating System
- Analysis and Design of algorithm
- Discrete Mathematical Structures
- C Programming
- Game Theory
- PG
- Advanced Computer Networks
- Protocol engineering