Dr. K Raghuveer


Department of Information Science and Engineering

Email: raghu@nie.ac.in
Phone No: 0821-4004911
About Me:

He has been at the National Institute of Engineering since 1994. He has completed B.E (Computer Science & Engineering) from University of Mysore in 1988, M.E from Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, formerly known University of Indore in 1993 and PhD in 2008. He has worked as Head, Department of Information Science & Engineering from 2008 to 2019; and as Head, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).

He has worked as Chairman, Board of Studies in Computer Science, Information Science, MCA and M.Tech (Information Technology). He has participated in EDUSAT, a distance based satellite education and delivered number of courses. He was a Board Member for Examination, VTU, Board of Studies Member for many committees. He is an executive member for Center for Sericulture Board, a Government of India. He has worked as technical expert for VTU and AICTE. He has chaired many technical national and international conferences. He has also worked as a resource person for NET examination. He is also a consultant for banks. He has trained many Karnataka Administrative Service officers and Commissioners in the area of Information Technology.

His area of research is in the field of Data Mining and Recommender Systems.

He has guided more than hundred M.Tech students and three students for Ph.D and five are pursuing.

He is a recipient of National Merit scholarship holder. He is a Life member for Indian Society for Technical Education, Computer Society of India and Fellow of Institute of Engineers.

B.E. (Mysore Univ.), M.E (Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore), PhD (VTU, Belagavi)
  • National Merit Scholarship holder Government of India - 1982
  • Leadership in Academia Award Summer Intel Community -  2010

Journal Publications:

Mohammed Muddasir and K. Raghuveer(2018): “Study of Meta-Data Enrichment Methods to Achieve Near Real Time ETL”, Data Analytics and Learning Proceeding of DIAL 2018,Springer, Singapore, Vol 42, pp 387-402 Ananth G S, K. Raghuveer(2016): “A Novel Approach of Creating a Self Owned ‘Dropbox’ using Open Source Software”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering™ (IJITEE), Vol. 6, Issue No. 7,2016 Conference Proceedings: Ananth G S, K. Raghuveer (2020): “A Movie and Book Recommender System using Surprise Recommendation Kit”, IAET – 2020, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, February 21st and 22nd, 2020 Ananth G S, K. Raghuveer (2019): “A novel approach for Music Recommendation system using matrix factorization technique”, MISP – 2019, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, IIITB Allahabad, September 7th to September 9th, 2019 Ananth G S, K. Raghuveer (2019):“A novel approach of predicting the music genre through classification for the FMA dataset”, 2019 3rd Asia Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, IJMLC, Dec 7th to Dec 9th 2019. Mohammed Muddasir and K. Raghuveer (2019): “A novel approach to handle huge data for refreshment anomalies in near real time ETL, application”,4th International conference on Soft Computing:Theories and Applications, National Institute of Technology, Patna, 27-29, December 2019 Ananth G S, K. Raghuveer (2017): “A Novel Approach of Creating a Self Owned Dropbox using Open Source Software - v2”, International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication (ICCTCEEC), VVCE, Mysuru 8th and 9th September, 2017 Mohammed Muddasir and K. Raghuveer (2017):”CDC and Union based near real time ETL”, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Computation and Information Technology (ICECIT), SIT Tumkur , 16 and 17th December,2017
  1. Data Communication
  2. Advances in Computer Networks
  3. Recommender Systems
  4. Data Analytics
  5. Introduction to Big Data