Dr.Shailesh Rao A

Associate Professor & HoD

Department of Industrial and Production Engineering

Email: shaileshraoa@nie.ac.in
Phone No: 0821 2480475
About Me:

Dr Shailesh Rao A is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial and Production Engineering. He is having a teaching experience of nineteen years working in various capacities in various institutions.  He is also involved in active research in the area of analyzing cutting tool performance during machining, use of effective cutting fluids during machining and others. His doctoral dissertation was conducted in consultation with Prof. Shrikantha S Rao, where he tried to understand the physics of the melt flow behaviour in Centrifugal Casting, The Couette, Ekmann and Taylors which were not much discussed earlier were discussed extensively in my work. From this, six papers were published in the repute international journals. The work is further continued, where three of his research scholars got awarded with PhD degree

  • B.E,    in Industrial and Production Engineering (Mangalore University, Mangalore)
  • M.Tech, in Computer Integrated Manufaturing  (VTU, Belagavi)
  • Ph.D      in Manufacturing (Mechanical Engineering Department, NITK Surathkal)
  • Received project grant from VTU, Belgaum, leading as Principal Investigator for the project titled  'Modelling and Analysis of Molten Metal Behaviour in Centrifugal Casting' (Rs. 8.62 lakhs) in the year 2010-13.
  • Status – completed
Journal Publication
  1. Shailesh Rao A, Alam Radhika (2019), “ Evaluating Machining Performance of AISI 1014 steel using Gingelly Oil as Cutting Fluid”, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Taylor and Francis Publication, https://doi.org/ 10.1080/ 14484846.2019.1636517
  2. Shailesh Rao A, H Nayak, Krishnamurty N, (2018), “Studies on Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coating with Increase in Coating Thickness”, Tribology in Industry, 40, 3, 420-432
  3. ShaileshRao A, YuvarajaNaik, (2017)  “Effect of the Metal Transport on the Mechanical Properties of Al-2Si alloys processed through Friction Stir Welding Processes”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 48,3, 1771-1781
  4. ShaileshRao A, Mahantesh Tattimani, (2018) “Effect of rotational speed in vertical centrifugal casting on the wear properties of obtained aluminum tubes” ISTM Transaction of Mechanical Engineering, Springer Verlag Publication, Accepted for Publication
  5. ShaileshRao A, YuvarajaNaik, (2018) “Understanding the Effect of Multiple Traverse Feed during Friction Stir Welding Processes”, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 63,1,203-210
  6. ShaileshRao A, YuvarajaNaik, (2017), “Comparison  on Appearance, Microstructure and Tensile properties during Friction Stir Welding Processes of Al-Si alloys”, Physics of Metals and Metallography, Springer verlag Publication, 118, 7,  716-722
  7. Chetan KS, ShaileshRao A, (2017), “Investigation of  Particle Segregation and Solidification Time in FGM’s Using Centrifuge Casting Techniques”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 766, 956-961
  8. ShaileshRao A, Mahantesh Tattimani (2015), “Understanding Melt Flow Behavior for Al-Si Alloys Processed Through Vertical Centrifugal Casting”, Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor and Francis, 30(11), 1305-1311
  9. ShaileshRao A, Mahantesh Tattimani, (2015) “Effect of melt flow with various rotational speeds in vertical centrifugal casting process on appearance, microstructure and hardness behaviour in Al-2Si alloy”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: 46, 2, 793-799
  10. Jyothi P.N, ShaileshRao A, (2014),“Influence of Refiner in ZA-12 alloys during Centrifugal Casting Process”, Journal of Materials, Springer Verlag Publication, 66,. 5,  720-725
  11. ShaileshRao A, Mukunda P G, Shrikantha S Rao, (2011) “Inference of Optimal Speed for Sound Centrifugal Casting of Al-12Si Alloys”, Journal of Materials,63,.5, 19-23
  12. ShaileshRao A, P G Mukunda, Shrikantha S Rao, (2010),  “Influence of Rotational speed of Centrifugal Casting Process on Appearance, Microstructure and Sliding wear behaviour of Al-2Si cast alloy” Metals and Materials International, Springer Verlag Publication,. 16,. 1 ,  137-143
  13. Shailesh Rao A, P G Mukunda, Shrikantha S Rao, (2010), “Influence of teeming temperature of molten metal of Tin during centrifugal casting” IJCMR, 23, , 51-54
  14. ShaileshRao A, P G Mukunda, Shrikantha S Rao, (2008), “Influence of Fluid Flow Behaviour in Centrifugal Casting”, Journal of Advanced Fluid Mechanics 2,  49-53
  15. ShaileshRao A, P G Mukunda, Shrikantha S Rao, (2009), “Influence of Rotational Speed during Centrifugally Cast on Sliding Wear Behaviour of Al-2Si Alloy” Frontiers of Materials Science of China, Springer Verlag Publication,  3,  339-343
  16. ShaileshRao A, P G Mukunda, Shrikantha S Rao, (2009), “Inference of Optimal Speed for Sound Centrifugal Casting of Tin” Canadian Metallurgy Quarterly and Material Science, 48, 2, 157-166 
          International Conference
  1. Mohan Kumar, Shailesh Rao A, (2016), “A Study on the effect of  crack stopper for  enhanced damage tolerance behaviour of a fuselage  stiffened panel” , organized by First international  Structural Integrity conference SICE 2016
  2. Shailesh Rao, Jyothi P N, et.al., (2014), Processing of ZA-27 Based MMC Reinforced with Al2O3 by Centrifugal Casting”, organized by AMRE 2014, 25-26, Zurich, Switzerland
  3. P.N. Jyothi, Shailesh Rao, et.al, (2013),  “Influence of Refiner Aluminum Titanium Boride on the ZA alloys Processed through Centrifugal Casting” organized by ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,IMECE2013,  San Diego, California, US
  4. Shailesh Rao A, Shrikantha S Rao, Mukunda P G, (2010), “Influence of Rotational speed during centrifugally cast on sliding wear behavior of Al-12Si Alloy” organized by ADM 2010, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham
  5. Mukunda P. G, ShaileshRao A, Madhusudhan, Narendranath S, Mohankumar G C, (2009), “Understanding of Fluid Behavior in Partially Filled Rotating Cylinder”, organized by New Advances in Thermal, Design, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (NATDMME-2009),Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan
  6.  Mukunda P G, Shailesh Rao A, Madhusudhan, Shrikantha S Rao, Narendranath S, G. C. Mohan Kumar, (2009), “Study of fluid behavior in Centrifugal Casting”, National conference on recent Trends in Manufacturing Technology (RTMT-09),  CEGC, Anna University Chennai
  7. Shailesh Rao A, Mukunda PG, Shrikantha S Rao, (2008), “Initial experiments of fluid flow behaviour of Al-Si alloys in centrifugal casting”, organized by  ICMMM, 2008, DrMahalingam College of Engineering, Pollachi
  8. Shailesh Rao A, Mukunda PG, Shrikantha S Rao (2007), “Understanding fluid flow behavior in centrifugal casting” organized by Tohoku University, Sedai, Japan
Undergraduate Program
  • Statistical Quality Control 
  • Dynamics of Machinery 
  • Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 
Postgraduate Program
  • Micro Machining 
  • Material Removal Process