Professor and Head
Department of Information Science and Engineering
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Email: | hpgirish@nie.ac.in |
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Phone No: | 9448293808 |
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About Me: |
My primary research interests are in Computer Networks with Information Security and Identity Based Encryption. However, I am also quite interested in Big data analysis and cloud computing. Other than my own research, I am also guiding PG students. I also teach a couple of courses. |

- B.E., (Mysore Univ.), M.Tech., ( V.T.U., Belagavi), Ph.D., (VTU, Belagavi)
- Professor & HOD
- Professor
- Associate Professor & HOD
- Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
- Assistant Professor
- Lecturer
Journal Publications
- Girish and Dr.Phaneendra H D.,(2017) “A New Group Signature Scheme using IBE” International journal of computer technique volume-4 Issue-4 August 2017, page.137-143,
- Girish, subhash kumar gupta, Dr. Phaneendra H.D.(2016) “Identity based Encryption Outsourced Revocation for Group data sharing via Cloud” International journal of advanced research in computer science and technology Volume-4 issue-2 page 95-98.
- Pallavi K.P., Girish H. D. Phaneendra(2015) “An Enhancement of Cloud Data Access Security using Identity based Encryption” International Journal for Scientific Research & Development. Vol. 3, Issue 02, 2015 1813-1817,
- Girish, Krupa K.T., Dr.Phaneendra H.D,(2015) “Survey on Identity Based Blind Signature” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 6 (3), 2015, 2678-2681
- Girish, Krupa K.T., Phaneendra H.D,(2015) “A Novel Identity Based Blind Signature Scheme using DLP for E-Commerce” International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Volume: 3 Issue: 6 2015 3493 - 3497
- Ranjni R, Girish, Phaneendra H D., Usharani J(2015) “An approach of Attribute based cryptosystem in cloud storage” International journal of computer science and Engineering technology, volume 5, issue 7, 7224-7228 July 2015,
- Girish, Dr.Phaneendra H.D.,(2014) “Identity-Based Cryptography and Comparison with traditional Public key Encryption: A Survey” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (4), 2014, 5521-5525
- Girish, D,. Phaneendra H. D.,(2014) “Improving the quality of privacy for mobile health monitoring service on cloud” Midas Touch International Journal of Commerce, Management and Technology Volume 2, No. 7, July- 2014 ISSN: 2320 -7787
Conference Proceedings
Girish, Kavitha,Phaneendra H. D.(2014) “Secure payment method in wireless network using hashing technique with identity based method” 4Th national level conference on information processing -2014(NCIP-2014) AMC college of engineering Bangalore-83.
Girish, Megha M, Phaneendra H D.,(2017) “Security verification for identity based intermediary Re-encryption for cloud information sharing” International symposium on cloud computing and data analytics(ISCCDA17) held on march 17-18 2017 at NIE.
- Computer Networks
- Operating Systems
- Advanced Computer Networks
- Software and Testing Practices
- Cryptography and Network Security.
- Distributed systems