Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Phone No: 9449052880
About Me: I am Assistant professor at NIE-(s) campus in the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  1. B.E. degree from NIE Mysore
  2. M.Tech. degree from SJCE Mysore
  3. Ph.D. degree from NIE Mysore, ECE Research Centre
Journal Publication:
  1. “E-blind Portal” IJISE, Vol.1 Issue 2, Pages 66-71, 2019
  2. “Drowsiness detection and accident Avoidance systems in vehicle”, Vol.1 Issue 2, Pages 79-87, 2019
  3. ” Low power Microprocessor Design” IJERT, Vol. 10 Issue 7, Page 607-609, 2021.
UG Courses:
  1. Statistics and Linear Algebra
  2. Engineering Electromagnetics
  3. Network Security
  4. Computer networks
  5. Digital COmmunication
  6. Electronic Devices
  7. Signals and systems
  8. DSP
  9. MEMS