Prajakta Madankar
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Science and Engineering
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About Me: |
My teaching and research interests are in the field of Computer Network Engineering and information security. Nowadays students are taking keen interest in starting businesses during college and what students need to know, start-up funding, resources and tools I encourage them to focus on building creativity to devise new and innovative ways to solve a given problem at the beginning of their graduate level to launch business idea and entrepreneurship related activities in future. And also preparing students for a successful career in the areas of computer science and information security by developing skills in analysis and design of cybercrime and computer forensics like subjects. |

- Assistant Professor
1.“Defense Mechanisms for Bandwidth DDOS Attacks and Its Issues” International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 3 Issue: 3 By Basavaraj Havale, Prajakta M ,Nagaveni
2.”Different Algorithms for Auto-Classification of Products” Vathsala R, Prajakta M, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2556 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 05
3.”GRID BASED SOLAR POWER GENERATION WITH AUTOMATED SUN TRACKING” Prabhanjan, Prajakta M, Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research Volume 02, Issue 05; [ISSN: 2455-1457]
UG courses taught in recent years: Data Communication, Computer Forensics, Logic Design, Management and Entrepreneurship Development, Software Engineering, Modelling & Simulation, Computer Organization, OOMD, Microprocessor, etc.
PG courses taught in recent years: Cyber Crime & Digital Forensics (CNE auto.)
1.Poster presentation of technical paper “Prevention of Sybil Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks” on 18/03/2017
2.Participated in “International symposium on “Cloud computing and data analytic (ISCCDA17)
3.Participated in “3rd National Conference NCICCNDA-2018 Authorship Detection in Cyber World” on 28/04/2018 (IEEE Bangalore Section) at Mysuru, etc.