Since its inception in 2004, the Building Fire Research Centre (BFRC), an integral part of the University’s Consultancy Services has been conducting systematic research and training in the testing of materials, providing consultancy on fire safety, and imparting short- and long-term training programmes on building fire research. The Centre has received recognition nationally as one of the leading facilities for research and testing of its kind. According to MS Systems Schroders, Germany, the test and assessment reports of the Centre meet international standards and match the reports of international laboratories.

BFRC  has successfully obtained NABL  accreditation Certificate   6th time.

Consultancy services offered by BFRC:

  • Fire resistance test of doors (As per IS 3614 (Part 2): 1992)
  • Fire extinguishers tests (mechanical)
  • Destructive and non-destructive testing of concrete
  • Expert advice for repair and rehabilitation of fire-affected structures


  • Become one of the leading fire research centres in testing building materials under elevated temperatures to cater to industry and research requirements.
  • Transfer knowledge to technical professionals and create social awareness among people regarding rescue operations during fire accidents.


BFRC has industry standard equipment to help students with testing and research activities. These include:
  • An electric oven of dimensions 2 m x 1.1 m x 1 m which can operate up to a maximum temperature of 1000°C
  • A multi-purpose fire test rig
  • Equipment to test fire extinguishers


  • Research and Development in the field of fire resistance of materials and structures.
  • Consultancy services for the repair and rehabilitation of fire affected structures.
  • Organisation of short-and long-term training programmes on building fire research.


BFRC has taken great strides in the field of research and trained students in testing fire safety equipment while offering consultancy services to various companies. Noteworthy achievements of the Centre include:

  • Accreditation by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) on June 11, 2012 (under the scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2005) for mechanical and fire rating test of portable fire extinguishers
  • Recognition from Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) on July 16, 2012
  • Introduction of a one-year PG Diploma course on Fire Protection Engineering and two building fire research related subjects in the Undergraduate and Post-graduate curricula
  • Consultancy Services to over 30 companies such as M/S System Schroders (Germany), Kuwait Oil Company, Afcons Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., Creesta Elevators, Sehgal Doors, Indigatech Building Solution Pvt. Ltd., and RNB Design Arc Systems
  • Successful application for three patents
  • Receipt of  a BRNS-sponsored project titled ‘Software Tool for Fire Safety Audit to Quantify the Fire Safety Index (FSI) of any Building’ worth INR 24.8 lakhs
  • Successful completion of several PhD, M.Tech. and B.Tech. theses/projects
  • Training programme on Laboratory Quality Management System and Internal Audit as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025


  • R&D in the field of fire resistance of materials and structures
  • Consultancy Services for the repair and rehabilitation of fire-impacted structures
  • Organising short and long-term training programmes on building fire research


DR.Y M MANJUNATH Head, Building Fire Research Centre (BFRC)
Phone No: 9449069727 0821- 4004936