Research @ NIE

At NIE, we truly believe in pushing the boundaries of knowledge and possibilities. Accordingly, from research allied faculty members to undergraduate students, all members of NIE family are engaged in creating new knowledge. More than 50% of our undergraduates and nearly 90% of our postgraduates enrich their educational experience by actively engaging themselves with faculty-led research initiatives. Also, we have adopted a trans-disciplinary research approach, that brings together research brains from diverse fields, as we truly believe in stitching together fundamental discoveries with practical applications. As a consequence, research flourishes in our various science and engineering departments, as well as different centres of excellence, which strive to explore new intellectual frontiers and attack important societal and industrial problems. This, in-turn has enabled numerous knowledge enhancing, socially-relevant, industry specific and deployable research outcomes.


NIE Doctoral Fellowship (NIE-DF) – 2024-25 : Applications are invited for the Full Time Ph.D. scholars

NIE-CRD: Circular for NIE Doctoral Fellowship (NIE-DF)–2023-24.

Click here :NIE-CRD: Circular for NIE Doctoral Fellowship (NIE-DF)–2023-24

Objectives of Research @ NIE

Research at NIE aims at addressing some of the most daunting scientific and technological challenges of social, industrial and national relevance. It also aims to foster the academy-industry interactions, spawn innovative and critical thinking, facilitate value addition for faculty and student fraternity of NIE and most importantly, improve the research perception of the institute, as a whole.

Specific objectives embrace;

  • To create an accommodative research ecosystem, which enables faculty members and/or research scholars and/or students, to undertake such research initiatives, which serve to advance knowledge and are socially need based. 
  • Forge trans-disciplinary collaborations and partnerships at national and international level. 
  • Ensure publications in high-quality and appropriately-indexed scientific journals.
  • Safeguard the intellectual property of NIE and its faculty and/or students.
  • Inculcate Good Research Practices (GRP) based on scientific integrity and research ethics.
  • Craft the culture for trans-disciplinary collaborations and enable an ideal platform for knowledge sharing.
  • Stitch together fundamental discoveries with practical applications.
  • Encourage and facilitate faculty members to take up research projects with financial assistance from various national and international organizations and/or societies.
  • Encourage faculty members participation in conferences and seminars through sponsorships

Research Internship for M.Tech Programme

Research Internship for M.Tech Programme Procedure/Guidelines

Teaching Assistantship Scheme

 Teaching Assistantship for Ph.D. Students 

r&d policy

NIE collaborates with partners across sectors to offer synergistic opportunities for engagement between academia, industry and business, whether the goal is research, recruitment, collaboration, employee education and training or other partnering opportunities.

areas of research

At NIE, we believe in expanding the boundaries of knowledge, developing innovative solutions and technologies. From knowledge-enhancing, deployable to socially relevant research and development, the researchers at NIE has been making significant contribution to emerging fields, leveraging new age technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and more.

Research Supervisor List


Ph.D Pursuing


Ph.D Awarded



From setting up of experimental watersheds in the Western Ghats, to developing a biogas plant for the Mysuru Zoo, the various Centres of Excellence (CoE) at NIE has been instrumental in leveraging the resources at hand to find socially beneficial innovative solutions.

Funded Research Projects



Compendium of Research Publications

