Student Corner
Student Corner
- Register for Backlog Courses of Even Semester from 10-02-2025 to 12-02-2025
- Invitation Fresher’s Day-Student Induction Programme 2024-25 (Phase I) at Diamond Jubilee Sports Complex, South Campus, NIE
- Revised Circular : Regarding revised schedule of activities for Students of I semester B.E. programme admitted during the Academic Year 2024-25.To fill the Anti Ragging Affidavit Form for the year 2024-25
- To fill the Anti Ragging Affidavit Form for the year 2024-25
- Course Registration with late fee for Even semester 2023-24. U.G. programme – B.E. IV semester
- Academic Calendar for Even Semester 2023-24 for PG Programme- M.Tech. IV Semester
- Academic Calendar for Even Semester 2023-24 for UG Programme- B.E. IV Semester
- Course Registration for I semester courses with DX’ Grades
- The Last working day of the VIII Semester has been extended to 29.4.2024
- Circular regarding the Commencement of B.E., IV Semester.
- Circular regarding the Revised dates of Test 1 for B.E. II & IV Semester Students.
- UG Programme- B.E. VI Semester – Course Registration with late fee for Even Semester 2023-24
- Course Registration with late fee for Even semester 2023-24 – U.G. programme – B.E. II semester
- Registration of Open Elective for B.E. VI semester (AY 2023-24
- Academic Calendar for Even Semester 2023-2024 For Programme: U.G. – B.E. VI Semester
- Commencement of B.E. VI Semester
- Academic Calendar – Even Semester 2023-2024, Programme: U.G.- B.E. II Semester
- Commencement of II Semester 2023-24 & Mandatory Induction Programme Phase-II.
- List of Open Elective Courses – VI Semester B.E. Academic Year 2023-24
- Course Registration with late fee for Odd semester 2023-24., P.G. programme–M. Tech. & M.C.A. I semester admitted during the Academic Year 2023-24
- Academic Calendar for Odd Semester 2023-2024, Programme: P.G. – M.Tech. I Semester & M.C.A. I Semester
- Course Registration with late fee for Even semester 2023-24., U.G. programme – B.E. VIII semester
- Academic Calendar Special Provision_2023-24
- Special Provision for I Semester Courses for Students of B.E. 1st Semester
- Special Provision for Students to appear for Examinations after completion of Programme duration.
- Revised Schedule of Academic Events – Students of B.E. III Semester (Lateral Entry)/ Change of College/ Change of Branch admitted during the Academic Year 2023-24.
- Academic Calendar for Even Semester 2023-2024-U.G -B.E. VIII Semester
- Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2023 :Event – 19.12.2023 to 23.12.2023
- Circular regarding the Registration for Electoral Rolls of Students.
- 1st year odd semester Test-1 Timetable
Backlog Course Registration date is extended upto 07-10-2023 for the AY 2023-24.
Circular-Backlog courses Registration 2023-24
Registration Form for Backlog courses-Academic Year 2023-24.
Student Induction Programme-2023-24(Phase I)-11th to 20th September 2023.
Promotion of Indian languages in Technical Education as per National Education Policy 2020- All Students of UG & PG – Submission of Requests by the Students through Proper Channel
Academic Regulation
PG Academic Regulations 2019-20 |
PG Academic Regulations 2017-18 |
Student Welfare Committee & Activities
College Internal Complaints Committee
360 Degree Feedback
NIE’s PID is : 1-4878661
Code of Conduct
Hostel Rules and Regulations
- Residents have to be back in the hostel before 8.30 p.m.
- Residents have to take written permission from the Warden/Manager while going home/going to out of the city/not returning to hostel. They have to enter all the relevant details and purpose in the Register/Form maintained at the hostel office.
- All residents are required to always carry their valid Identity Cards issued to them by the Institute.
- Smoking, consuming alcohol, playing cards, intimidation or violence, willful damage to property, cooking in room, keeping unauthorized electronic appliance and playing music loudly in the hostel premises is strictly prohibited.
- The rooms, common areas and surroundings of the hostel should be kept clean and hygienic. Notices shall not be pasted on walls and walls shall not be scribbled on. Any violation will be dealt with appropriate fine.
- Residents should not participate in any anti-national, anti-social or undesirable activity in or outside the campus.
- All residents should be properly dressed while going to common room, dining hall or hostel office/functions, failing to which fine will be imposed / disciplinary action will be taken.
- Residents should bring to the notice of the caretaker any pending maintenance work (Civil, Carpentry, Electrical, Sanitation) to be carried out in rooms, corridors, toilets or other areas in hostel premises.
- Students who get detained are required to vacate the hostel immediately.
- Inmates have to take care of their valuables by keeping them under lock and key. Hostel staff will no way be held responsible for missing valuables.
- Playing games in the corridor is prohibited. Watching TV after 11.p.m. is prohibited.
- Misbehaving with inmates/hostel authorities is strictly prohibited.
- Bringing/Cooking food inside the hostel premises is not allowed.
- Availing room service or taking food or mess utensils to the room will attract a fine and disciplinary action.
- Inmates should not entertain outsiders/friends inside the hostel premises.
- Hostel fees should be paid within the stipulated time.
- Rooms should be handed over to the hostel authorities at the end of each even semester.
- Allotment of rooms is left to discretion of the warden.
- When the students go out of their room they should switch off all the electrical / electronic appliances, and keep it locked. Violation will attract suitable penalty and disciplinary action as decided by authorities.
- Unauthorized use of electrical appliances such as immersion heaters, electric stove / heaters, induction cookware, A.C and Refrigerators are not allowed in the rooms. Such appliances, if found will be confiscated and a fine will also be imposed.
- Any student who is found to be indulging in undesirable activities such as ragging, physical assault, damage to property, causing inconvenience to other inmates, non-compliance of any of the conduct rules, or violation of any other rule defined in this manual will be liable to the following disciplinary action
- Expulsion from the hostel.
- The cost of damage will be fully recovered from him/her together with penalty.
- He/she will also be fined commensurate with the offence committed.
- The privilege of appearing for campus interviews will be denied, when he/she reaches the final year.
- No recommendations will be given to him/her for studies abroad.
- Rustication from the Institute.
- Establishment charges for the complete year will be forfeited in case the boarder leaves the hostel in the middle of the academic year.
- Students should adhere to the mess timings of the hostel.
- Inmates found violating any of the above regulations will have to face serious consequences.
The decision of the Chairman/Warden/Hostel committee is final.
The information provided on hostels have been framed by concerned authorities of the Institute and are subject to alteration/modification/review at the exclusive discretion of the Board of Management of the Institute/ Hostel Committee, either in part or whole, at any time hereafter. Such amendments, alterations, modification, additions, deletion, if any shall be binding from the date of their notification by the Board of Management and immediately upon publication of the same on the college website.
Application Forms
AGNIE Racing
Force Ikshvaku Racing
Credit Circle