International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication(ICRTEC 23)

Scope of the Conference

International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICRTEC 23) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on recent systems and techniques in the broad field of Signal Processing, Communication, Networking, Internet, VLSI, Information Security, Bioinformatics, Robotics, Embedded and IoT based applications. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all the above areas. Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to

Track 1
Signal Processing


Dr. C. Anjanappa

Associate Professor, ECE Dept, NIE Mysuru



Assistant Professor, ECE Dept, NIE Mysuru

• Audio, Image & Video Signal Processing

• Natural language processing

• Graph Theory and Signal Processing

• Biomedical Signal Processing

• Quantum Signal Processing

• Remote Sensing and Signal Processing

• Compressive Sensing, Sampling, and Dictionary Learning

• Sensor Array & Multichannel Signal Processing

• Signal Processing for Communication and Networking

• Signal Processing for Cyber Security

• Industrial Signal Processing

• Signal Processing for Smart Systems

• Machine learning in signal processing

Track 2
Network, Multimedia and Network Security


Dr. C Vidya Raj

Professor & Head, CSE Dept, NIE Mysuru


Prof. Anand Srivatsa

Associate Professor, ECE Dept, SDSC Head, NIE Mysuru

• Wireless Multimedia

• Networks & Systems

• Human Computer Interaction

• Cryptography and Network Security

• 5G Mobile networks

• Wireless sensor networks with Machine learning (ML)

• Embedded sensor networks with ML

• AI and ML in Adhoc networks

• Mobile computing resources management

• Edge computing for Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Networks

• Edge intelligence

• Fog computing and intelligence

• Ethical Hacking

• Cyber Security & Cyber Forensic Systems

Track 3
Electronics & Electrical Systems


Dr. Gurumurthy S R

Professor, EEE Dept., NIE Mysuru


Dr. Remya Jayachandran

Assistant Professor, ECE Dept, NIE Mysuru

• Analog, Digital, RF & Mixed Signal Circuits & Systems

• Biomedical Circuits and Systems

• Communications circuits and systems

• Neuromorphic Computing

• Automotive Electronics

• Power Electronics and Drives Control

• High Voltage, Insulation, Power Electronics Technologies

• Smart Grid

• Power Quality issues and their Mitigation

• Integration and management of energy storage systems

• Switching Circuits & Power Converters

• Battery management systems

• Adhoc Digital solutions for disaster management

• AI techniques for sustainable practices in power engineering

• Renewable energy for EV and charging stations

• Technology for handling Sociological, Psychological Issues and Possible Remedies.

Track 4
Communication Technologies


Prof. Sanjeev Gurugopinath

Professor, PESU, Bangalore


Dr. Raghu J

Assistant Professor, ECE Dept, NIE Mysuru

• Intelligent Automation in Communication System

• Cognitive Radio and AI-Enabled Networks

• Communication and Information System Security

• Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling

• Virtual/ Augumented Reality, Robust Control, Intelligent Control. Optical Fiber Communication and Optical Networks.

• Vehicular Networks

• Vehicular Communication

• V2X and V2V

• AI Techniques in Communication

• Security, Privacy and Trust in Communication System

• Blockchain for Communication System

• Integration of Non-Terrestrial System to Terrestrial System

• Techniques for High Reliability in Communication System

• Techniques for Low Latency in Communication System

• Underwater communication

• Train to train communication

• Train to Satellite Communication

• 5G/6G Technologies

• Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communications,

• Positioning, Navigation and Mobile Satellite System

Track 5
Internet of things, Robotics and Cloud Computing


Dr. Salila Hegde

Associate Professor, ECE Dept, NIE North


Dr. Prakash K R

Professor, Dept. of ME, NIE, Mysuru

• Cognitive Computing in IoT

• Smart home networks

• Smart industrial IoT

• IoT for Environmental monitoring

• Intelligent edge computing

• Data Mining, Cloud Computing

• Big Data Analysis,

• Design of Robotic Mechanisms

• Human-Robot Interaction & Interfaces

• Swarm Robotics

• Machine Learning and AI for Robotics

• Social and Affective Robots

• Drones and Drone Applications

• Nano, micro and Humanoid Robotics

• Underwater robotics

• Robotics for defence applications

• Security and surveillance robotics

• Robotics in healthcare / medical industry

• Robotics for agriculture

• Integrated Digital Healthcare for Rural Geographies

• IOT applications to smart health monitoring systems

Last date for Manuscripts

→ 30th Nov, 2022

→ final hard deadline: 15th Jan, 2023

Notification of Acceptance

→ 7th January, 2023

Final hard deadline for Registration

→ 15th January, 2023

The Conference Dates

→ 10th & 11th February, 2023

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