Presentation Guidelines

Dear Author(s),
Hope you are doing well, and are staying safe and healthy. Congratulations on the acceptance of your paper for the IEEE ICRTEC 2023. After uploading your final camera-ready full paper and copyright forms, and completing the registration, it is time to prepare your presentation as per template.

Here are the instructions:
At least one author from each paper must register and pay the appropriate non-refundable registration fee for the conference.
All sessions will be oral presentations and there will not be any poster presentations. Atleast one of the co-authors of the registered paper must present the paper in online or offline mode for the conference.
You must prepare a power point/ beamer presentation for 10 minutes. You can follow the template as given here for your presentation.
Template for PowerPoint Presentation: Click Here for PowerPoint Template
It is recommended to prepare the presentation as per the template. You may add appropriate logos to the presentation as recommended by your organization.
Provided that you register for the conference and present your paper in the conference, your paper will be included in the conference record and posted to IEEE Xplore post-conference. Payment in full is required at the time of registration. If you do not register with payment in full and present your paper in the conference, the paper will not be posted to IEEE Xplore post-conference, and be withdrawn.